Sunday, April 2, 2023

Day 2 - April 2, 2023

 Day 2 - April 2, 2023

I've been to Broadway

Seen Starlets on stages

Heard symphonies sway hearts

Watched stars shine

But nothing


Compares to watching my kids on stage


When I was a kid

I could count friends on fingers


and felt the sting

of sticks and stones

hurled verbally

with more force than

Anything I had ever felt

But when I found the stage

stepped out

Onto those boards

It burned

Like longing and love and light

The only sights

Were stage lights

The sound of cheers

Gave me chills

And all I felt

Was free


The memory...


Without that greeting


Smile like a spotlight

Shining only for me

Making sure I knew

I was seen

See... theater became my home

But it would have been

An empty house

Without my Mom


Now I sit

Edge of my seat

Glued to every movement

Every note

As two stars


Find...their home

Holding it all close

Committing it to memory

Because I want to be

Off-book by curtain call

Soaking it in

So I can 

Shower them

With their own spotlight smile

And make sure they know

They were seen

And hope one day

It completes their memory

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