Sunday, April 30, 2023

Day 30 - 4/30/2023

 Day 30 - 4/30/2023

I am pretty proud of myself. I only missed a couple days and I made them up the next day! Even if this remains unread, I found value in it and a renewed desire to write.


If you lead yourself to water


Hell, dive in

Let the icy, rippled façade

Feel your full weight

Against it

Break the surface

Draw a deep breath

And allow yourself

To sink for a moment

Release and be


When the instinct comes

To inhale again

Hold on

Trust yourself to know

Your limits

Still lie

Where you left them

Force yourself

If you must

To drink

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Day 29 - 4/29/2023

 Day 29 - 4/29/2023

I have one hour left to write this poem before I find myself guilty of missing another day I wish i had more self discipline but I am slightly ADHD and by slightly I mean squirrel and by ADHD I mean I have a motor that is beyond solar or lunar or nuclear or duracell it's been running since the day I hydroplaned out of my Mom and feet tapping and hands waving and I have tried over the years to quell it or quiet it in various ways with w€€¿ being the most fun and successful but that's another poem for another day  but I only have one more day of this challenge I fool myself almost into believing that this has been somehow revelatory or revolutionary and that I will soldier on and continue this blog but I know that the truth lies somewhere between my ukulele and my p¡?€ and my Netflix shows but I will say that I don't think I am done here besides the fact that I started two poems here that I know have "part two" coming and it seems only fitting that they find light here I lost my train of thought somewhere along the way but at least I didn't miss another day

Day 28, - 4/28/2023

 Day 28, - 4/28/2023

I know...missed again, but in my defense I ended up in Fresno competing in a poetry slam I was NOT supposed to be in...

Oxymorons are interesting

Especially when they are false

But people like to believe

They are superior somehow

And hold tight-fisted

To their moronic

Oxymoronic misinterpretations

To the point that it becomes


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Day 27 - 4/27/2023

 Day 27 - 4/27/2023

As a parent

I have often wondered

What is our measurement

Fos success?

Last night I found one

As I sat listening

To my children

Share their thoughts

Their words

Their hearts

And realized that

If I raised poets

I did something right

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Day 26 - 4/26/2023

 Day 26 - 4/26/2023

This will be in two parts. Part 1 will be written now, before the Poetry in the Park event, and Part 2 will be written later tonight, after the event!

Stagefright fears me

Because, y'all see

I am no weak will

I can and will

Spill verses or lines

At any time

To any mind who

Care to cast their ears

My way

I don't get butterflied

Or stomach tied

In knots

I'm not

That guy

No shaky quaky hands

Mine hold pages

No nervous knocking knees

Mine own stages

Mom's spaghetti never

Stained my shirtfront

I'm up front

Ready to take a mic

Destined for poet life

But what scares me

What sets my teeth chattering

And chases my mellow away

Are the moments between

This one and that one

When this one tonight

Is special

I spend moments

Mulling over multiverses

Where no one makes the effort

To add their essence to the mix

 Make a moment happen

Master their misgivings

Give in to the 

Freely offered acceptance

Accept the invitation

To taste poet life

Part 2 - After the event

Remember I mentioned my fear

Well if "made manifest"

Were...made manifest

You'd understand the size

Of the audience

But I tend to

Shine turds for fun

And refuse to lose

The power of a moment

In the moments that

May have lacked

Lucid dreams from

Just hours ago

Against reality 

May have paled

And failed to reach

What should have

Could have


I process these things

In stages

Like grief

I give myself time

To take stock

And tonight

Despite low investment

From shareholders who should

See value in verses 

Who shorted themselves....

Because tonight

Dividends were paid...

In spite of that

Epidemic of apathy

(Which seems so often

To rear it's head

I my own poems of late)

That must be the cause

And curse the irony

That poetry

Could be the cure


Poets divided...surgically

Deep emotions and 

Let their words

Dance with the dwindling daylight

Passions played out

Against a backdrop of

Soccer cheers

And Harley Davidsons

Roaring through the 

Words that somehow

Poet to poet

Puzzle-pieced into


Inspiration flowed

"Words flowed"

Words cut the sky like stars

Words were dissected

And resurrected

Rescued from the ledge

Words remembered mothers

Known and unknown

And cherished children

Praised the places and people

Held pedestal height

Yet eye-level

Eyes open...mic open

Sharing the fear

Of not knowing

What words to share

To cheers from those who could hear

Should more ears have heard?

I had my hope

My lucid dream

Now whispered doubt

Did I do enough

But those whispers

Are drowned by echoes

Of all their words

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Day 25 - 4/25/2023

 Day 25 - 4/25/2023

We drift

Like intricate cobwebs

Caught by passing breezes

Shifted and spun 

Away from center

Monday, April 24, 2023

Day 24 - 4/24/2023

 Day 24 - 4/24/2023

You think you see me

But you see in silhouette

Half shadow shaded

Visage veiled

From your view

You think you see me

But there is not enough

Light in you

For that

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Day 23 - 4/23/2023

 Day 23 - 4/23/2023

Sand paper is interesting

In the hands of a craftsman

It can reveal the purest of imperfections

And bring out beauty 

That would be otherwise unseen

In the hands of a novice

It can gouge and gash with impunity

And leave scars

That would be otherwise uninflicted




Saturday, April 22, 2023

Day 22 - 4/22/2023

 Day 22 - 4/22/2023

So how do I know you're an Eagle?

Because I have seen you soar!

I have watched you

Shoot skyward

With grace and graciousness

Savoring the


Daydreaming other realities

Into reality

Despite gravity

With gravitas

(Because Eagles have attitude...

Have earned attitude)

Sweeping across stages

Visiting with voices

As equals

Smiling through suffering

Standing up to dissenters

Because you see

Soarin'...ain't easy

It takes effort

To face fears

That come in crushing

Desperate to drag you 


But I have seen you soar

Because of your heart

Heaving your entire essence

Into efforts you feel

You feel so deeply

You have done the work

With wings not weighted

With worrying whether

Others will see it

I have watched you glide

Because you gave

Your all

Your everything

To reach great heights

And though life is not

Always crystalline

Curtain calls come and go

And the future is never

In full focus

In the midst of daily madness

And though favored friends

Can fail or fade away

Into illumination

Unleashing emotions

And unrelenting uncertainty

Sending shadier souls


You soar

Because you share yourself

You realize the risk

And yet you rise to it

You comprehend

And continue

To choose charity

Champion compassion

You face gale force

Without faltering

So coast casually

Of freefall without fear

Or soar

You are an Eagle

Eagles soar

Friday, April 21, 2023

Day 21 - 4/21/2023

 Day 21 - 4/21/2023

What does it mean to be an Eagle?

Eagles soar

They shoot skyward 

Swiftly but precisely

Precious seconds saved

For savoring the


Surfing slipstreams

Upward despite gravity

Or TO spite gravity

(Because Eagles have attitude...

Have earned attitude)

Cruising currents carefree

Conversing with clouds

As equals

Equilibrium ever present

Even in eventual descent

Because, you see

Soarin'...ain't easy

It takes effort

To climb cross currents 

That come chaotic

Desperate to drag them


But Eagles soar

Because they strive

They strain when they must

They muster the will

To do the work

With wings not weighted 

With worrying whether 

Other Eagles see them

They glide

Because they gave

Their all

Their everything 

To reach those heights

And though skies are not

Always crystalline

Crescendos come and go

And crescents can't always 

Be clearly considered

Against the pin pricked pitch

And though chalk-white clouds

Can collide and complicate

Into grim greys

Unleashing lightning

And unrelenting rainstorming

Sending smaller birds

Scattering... scared

Eagles soar

Because they see the signs

They read the risk

Cumulus clues

They comprehend

And counter

They think fast and

Fly faster

They face gale force

Without faltering

Eagles can coast casually

Or Freefall without fear

Or soar

Eagles soar

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Day 20 - 4/20/2023

 Day 20 - 4/20/2023

I looked at the date

And had absolutely no reason

To wonder

Why so many students were absent today

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Day 19 - 4/19/2023

 Day 19 - 4/19/2023


Lungs expand and contract


If breathing were a conscious act

I wonder if I would have chosen to quit

A long time ago

How many breaths

Have been nothing more than


Lungs expand and contract


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Day 18 - 4/18/2023

 Day 18 - 4/18/2023

Just ask me

And I will tell you

All my fears and dreams

Except for the ones

That still hide from me

Day 17 - 4/17/2023

 Day 17 - 4/17/2023

Yup...missed another day...but I am so damn close I can't quit now, so here I go playing catch-up.

Wish for me when

I am too weak 

To wish for myself

And when you wish

Waste no words

For fortune's sake

For the significance

of syllables

The strength

Of sentiment

Lies in the

Rarity therein

If commonplace

Conference loses content

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Day 16 - 4/16/2023

 Day 16 - 4/16/2023

Given a choice


Physical or Mental


Which would you 


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Day 15 - 4/15/2023

 Day 15 - 4/15/2023


Has meant so many things

At so many different moments

To me

If one could learn

To read the runes

Carved into my essence

By sound

They would have found

The Rosetta Stone

To my soul

Friday, April 14, 2023

Day 14 - 4/14/2023

 Day 14 - 4/14/2023

I am the King

My kingdom? 

My nation?


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Day 13 - 4/13/2023

 Day 13 - 4/13/2023

"Fan Family - Part 1"

I've never written a poem about football

Which, if you know me at all

Should cause your jaw to drop

As so much of my life

Revolves around this 

Rather silly contest amongst

Men I will only rarely meet

And even more rarely 

Communicate with 

In any meaningful way

And, for that matter, 

Why does so much of my life

Revolve around it

I make no excuses for the

Rabid, fanatical 


Fire breathing, TAMPA screaming

Creature I become 

For a minimum of seventeen weeks

Each year

*Plus draft week, Hall of Fame Week, Training Camp, and most of the remaining off-season

I own it fully

Because it gives me joy

*Plus headaches, flop sweat, near-myocardial-infarctions, hangovers, acid indigestion, and angst

And because it is so much more

Than just a rather silly contest

It is a commonality and a conduit

Which has allowed me to me 

To come in to contact

With so many amazing people

Those other

Rabid, fanatical 


Fire breathing, TAMPA screaming

Creatures I call

Fan Family

So, this poem isn't about football either

It's about them

And for them

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Day 12 - 4/12/2023

 Day 12 - 4/12/2023


Is elusive

Slippery, even

I think the secret

Is to not try so hard

To grasp it

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Day 11 - 4/11/2023

 Day 11 - 4/11/2023

The things I do to try and get to sleep:

1- Lie on my right side

Right arm up under the pillow

Left arm in some

godforsaken limbo

Where it is transformed

Into an awkward hummingbird

Never able to settle

Always moving


2- Lie on my left side

Recreating, with near perfect symmetry

The pose from moments before

Left arm, comfortable

Right arm

Like a mackerel

On the deck


*Bathroom Break*

3- Lie on my back

See, that is just

not happening

My lungs forget to expand

And contract 

When I lie on my back


*Bathroom Break...again*

4- Lie on my right side...again

Now it's my knees that can't

Seem to find a way to get along

Bone on Bone

Cap on cap

Or one leg in front

Of the other

In an askew

Runner's stance


*Bathroom Break 3*

5- Back to my left side

The side with the edge

And now my foot

Decides it wants to try


Or, maybe my leg

Made that call

I just know I didn't


6_ Wake up

No clue what position it was

In which I finally 

Found ease enough to 


Monday, April 10, 2023

Day 10 - 4/10/2023

 Day 10 - 4/10/2023

A Haiku

Drove to the doctor

Forty minutes there and back

For no good reason

*Apologies...not feeling it today but didn't want to miss again*

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Day 9 - 4/9/2023

 Day 9 - 4/9/2023

If I call you brother

Know that I mean that

And I don't take it lightly

If I call you brother

Know that you can call on me

And I will show up

Every time

If I call you brother

Know that you have value

In my eyes and estimation

You have worth

Both inherent and incidental

If I call you brother

Know that I see you

Or I am, at least,

Willing to see you

For who you are

If I call you brother

Know that I expect nothing in return

But if you call me brother

I will

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Day 8 - 4/8/2023

 Day 8 - 4/8/2023

If I had a cure for Cancer

I'm not sure what I would do with it

I like to think I'd save millions of lives

But deep down, I wonder

If I might not just hide it away

Not because I want to see people suffer and die

Just because I'd be afraid of what people more powerful than I

Would do with it

Is it better for Cancer to exist

Than to allow evil an advantage that distinctive

My luck I'd get Cancer myself

And not be able to afford my cure

Day 7 - 4/7/2023

 Day 7 - 4/7/2023

(Late Again)

Some days I can be

So lazy

I guilt myself

Over this malaise

But it doesn't 

Make me move

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Day 6 - 4/6/2023

 Day 6 - 4/6/2023

"Unity Week"

Ok gang, it's "Unity Week"

Time to show how

"Unified" we are

By dressing in PJs or 

Beach wear

And signing pledges

And taking lots of great pictures

To show the world

We're so



Move a bit to the left

Wouldn't want that


In the picture

Day 5 - 4/5/23

 Day 5 - 4/5/2023

"Sort of"

This is me being real

And admitting that 

I suck at consistency

In case you hadn't noticed

By the date this (and yesterday's) poem

Is being posted

It's one of my many


Many flaws

And yet

I suppose

My ability to shrug that off

And still sit down to do this


Could be considered

A strength

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Day 4 - 4/4/23

 Day 4 - 4/4/23

I forgot to post this yesterday...I wrote it on paper during work...


I hate the phrase

"Is that the hill you want to die on?"

I have heard it far too many times in my career

And it always has the same subliminal message

"Don't try to hold this student accountable

or their parents will make a stink."


You might think I am a hardass

And I am

But this is different

It is different 

Because, after 20 years,

I have become an expert

At eliminating excuses

I am so meticulous 

I even do prep work to do lesson planning

To teach a lesson

My students are NEVER out of the loop

Communication is clear

And standards are set

And yet

Without fail

I get that email from a student

Asking why they got a zero

For turning in an assessment late

When, for four weeks

They have had 40 minutes minimum per day

To work on this

In class

Where they can get help

They have seen it in my notes

And heard me say daily

"There will be no late work accepted

for this assessment."


Next comes the email from the parent

Lamenting the hours they know their student spent

Working on this paper/project/etc

And claiming they don't understand

Despite the fact that they themselves

Signed a letter from me to them

Explaining the reasoning behind 

Not accepting this work late


Then comes the phone call

Front office ringing in

To ask me

If this is "the hill I want to die on?"

My answer has,

In almost 2 decades,

Never changed


Yes, I am going to stick to my word

Yes, I am going to have standards

Yes, I am going to hold students accountable

Yes, I am going to give students the grades they EARN


And if that makes this a hill

And if it's my time to go

I will die knowing that

Even if they did not learn 

Everything I tried to teach them

They will have learned 

Responsibility is real

Accountability is important

Monday, April 3, 2023

Day 3 - 4/3/23

"On the Eve of Essays"

Is the executioner to blame
When the criminals are so blatant
Or is he...simply
Fulfilling a role?

At midnight tonight 
The blade falls
And I feel guilty 
Did I do everything I could 
To save them
Or...more to the point
To give them 
The chance to save themselves 

I look out at their faces
No traces of innocence 
And yet still
Not fully culpable
It's palpable 
Their apathy
Is adamantly 
Ushering in
Their end
And I
Unwilling executioner
Alone in my
To keep their
Often hard
Often hanging 
On their shoulders 

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Day 2 - April 2, 2023

 Day 2 - April 2, 2023

I've been to Broadway

Seen Starlets on stages

Heard symphonies sway hearts

Watched stars shine

But nothing


Compares to watching my kids on stage


When I was a kid

I could count friends on fingers


and felt the sting

of sticks and stones

hurled verbally

with more force than

Anything I had ever felt

But when I found the stage

stepped out

Onto those boards

It burned

Like longing and love and light

The only sights

Were stage lights

The sound of cheers

Gave me chills

And all I felt

Was free


The memory...


Without that greeting


Smile like a spotlight

Shining only for me

Making sure I knew

I was seen

See... theater became my home

But it would have been

An empty house

Without my Mom


Now I sit

Edge of my seat

Glued to every movement

Every note

As two stars


Find...their home

Holding it all close

Committing it to memory

Because I want to be

Off-book by curtain call

Soaking it in

So I can 

Shower them

With their own spotlight smile

And make sure they know

They were seen

And hope one day

It completes their memory

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Day 1 - April 1, 2023

Day 1 - April 1, 2023

I am scared to write this poem

Not...scared like when Leatherface lunges

At cringing co-eds

I've never been much for camping

Chainsaws... I'm ok with

But I'm scared to write this poem

Not scared like clack-clack-clacking

Up a monster hill in a tin can

Waiting for the drop

Gravity...I'm good with

But I'm scared to write this poem

I'm scared that...If I really let these thoughts

Do what they want to do

Let them burst from my fingertips

And scorch the page like Burning Man


White hot 

And I'm ...white knuckled


I'm scared to write this poem

Because I want there to be hope

In the final lines

But I am hope...less

I am scared to write this poem

Because I know there are people

Who might read it or hear it

And I don't want them to feel 


I'm scared to write this poem

Because the people who need

To read it or hear it


They stopped listening long ago

To voices like mine

With thoughts like these

Or maybe the other voices like mine

Got scared too

And stopped letting their

Thoughts like these

Do what they want to do

I'm scared to write this poem

And, for today

I think acknowledging that

May have to be enough

Thursday, March 30, 2023

 Welcome to my NaPoWriMo Blog for 2023!

A little about me:

I am a 10th and 11th grade English Teacher at Turlock High School in the Central Valley of California. I am also an author, a poet, and a spoken word artist. I have never participated in NaPoWriMo before, but I decided to try it this year (and encourage the students in our poetry club to try it also). I have no expectations at all...just gonna try and write.